Visit to the Milan EXPO 2015

One of the trustees went to Milan Expo 2015. The Expo talks about the problems of nutrition and the resources of our planet. There were many lavish pavilions built by the richer countries but the poorer ones were there too! Liberia was to be found in a cluster called arid zones with other countries. Desert

Summer term fees paid

We have just sent the money to finance this term’s education for 100 children in St. Patrick’s, Grand Cess and 2 children with additional needs in Monrovia. Another successful school year for our charity. Thank you to everyone whose support makes this possible.

A new danger

While we are enjoying the end of a good summer in the UK we should spare a thought and prayers for our friends in Liberia. Not only are they one of the world’s poorest countries but now they have extra health worries because of the ebola virus. See this BBC report for more information: